Kategori Ürünleri
Rice flour, which is a neccessity for the dried fruit cutting process, was a product that we supplied from producers, in the first years of our establishment.We started to use our own production rice flour in dried fruit cutting process, in 2010, for gaining the full control of parameters, like pathogen and microbial rate.8-10% amount of rice flour is used in our dried fruit cutting process and we are not using any product, except of rice in our production line, due to gluten sensitivity.

Adres : 10005 Sokak No:26 İtob Osb Tekeli Menderes

Telefon : +90 232 799 0308

Yücebaş Gıda Ltd. Yücebaş Gıda Ltd.

Dükkan Açılış Tarihi : 6.10.2020

Telefon : +90 232 799 0308